Unique to our Colorado policyholders, WCF Insurance is introducing an optional individual dividend plan. The program rewards policyholders based on the financial performance of their accounts. The optional plan is another customized benefit of choosing WCF Insurance.
To participate in the program, eligible policyholders must pay a 5% policy premium surcharge. Twenty-one months after the effective date of their policy expiration, we’ll assess their total incurred loss ratio and will assign a dividend amount according to the table below. Dividends vary based on loss ratio and audited premium size. Payments will be made within 23 months of policy effective date.
New Business
• Colorado-only exposure. Multi-state policies are eligible, but only the Colorado exposure will be eligible for the individual dividend program.
• Premium equal to or above $25,000 (assessed before application of surcharge).
• Participation in loss control services is expected.
• Must have a current emod.
• Hazard grades A-D are eligible, but higher hazard grade businesses may be considered based on the underwriter’s discretion.
• Retrospective rated, large deductibles, and consent-to-rate policies are not eligible for participation in program.
Renewed Business
• Policyholders are renewed automatically each year until they choose to opt out of the program.